Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2 Week Menu Planning

2 Week Menu & Shopping List

Are you having trouble figuring out what to cook every night? I've started planning a 2 week menu and it has been so helpful! When I first started, I got so frustrated because it was hard to stay organized. So, I created an Excel Spreadsheet that can be easily customized with all the meals for the 2 weeks. It also has a 2nd sheet that has a shopping list. The shopping list is divided into categories. I've found it very useful! Hope it helps.

Oh, and I got the idea to assign each night a different theme from the Food Nanny. It really helps break up the monotony.

1 comment:

  1. We use EMealz. It is super cheap at only 5 dollars a month. You can chose your option that you want whether it is Wal-mart, or other stores, family meals or meals for 2, low fat, low carb or other diet restricted meal plans. I received it for a birthday gift and couldn't be happier! The average cost for the weeks menu is around 70 dollars. It has cut our grocery budget in half. It has also added to our bank of recipes. Love it!!! It gives you a recipe and a complete grocery list of what you need for the week.

